Training register Welcome, Please complete all fields marked with (*) so that we may offer you the training best suited to your needs. PERSONAL DETAILS MrMrsMsDr *Name *Surname *Address *Postcode *Town/City *Country *Tel *E-mail OCCUPATION *Professionnal*Student TRAINING University/other Qualification Year PROFESSION Current post Cy/organisation TRAINING University/other Qualification Year TRAINING OF INTEREST *T&I*Other LANGUAGES *A B C Other AVAILABLE TRAINING *RSI*CAT RSI experience to date Specific areas/issues of interest CAT experience to date Specific areas/issues of interest LANGUAGES *Mother tongue *Fluent knowledge Basic knowledge AVAILABLE TRAINING *Techn.for bil.Pros Specific areas/issues of interest Comments *By filling in this form, you agree to Ecosse Connection, as data controller, collecting your data with the purpose of registering you for the requested training and to sending you information about our updated training programme. To know more about the management of your personal data and to enforce your rights, please check our Terms and conditions. Newsletter If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest information on our courses, please sign up to our newsletter. You recently signed up to our newsletter. Please confirm your subscription. « By completing this form, you agree to Ecosse Connection, as data controller, collecting your data with the purpose of registering you for the requested training and to (effacer to) sending you information and/or updates about future training programmes. To know more about the management of your personal data and your rights, please check our Confidentiality policy Terms and conditions.